The Contenders Have Been Identified. Logan’s Power Rankings and Team Identities.

Kyle is a part-time farmer. Kyle also is a part-time wrestling podcaster. So, to make these power rankings as simple as possible for my bearded co-host, I present an analogy: the wheat has been separated from the shaft. In other words, the section title contenders have officially emerged. It took more than 2 months. I watched countless hours of wrestling and lost even more sleep, but I was finally able to grasp each team’s section title chances, and assign them each an identity. 

  1. Chatfield - They are in the hunt, not just for a section title, but also a state title. Kenyon-Wanamingo will push them to their limits, and Dover-Eyota will as well, but Gopher's resume is impeccable and we’ve known since mid-Decmeber that they’re for real. Identity: STATE TITLE CONTENDER.

  2. Zumbrota-Mazeppa - What is the limit for Link Steffen’s Cougars? If they can finagle their way past Kasson-Mantorville in the section team tournament, could they advance to their first ever AA State Championship? Am I losing my mind after the thrill of their victory over KM? So many important questions. Identity: SECTION TITLE CO-FAVORITE AND state finals dark horse... 

  3. Kasson-Mantorville - That loss to ZM was NOT the end of the Komets. Are they still in contention for a section title? You know the answer to that question. They’ve been contenders since 2009. And when you ask me next year on Day 1 of the 2024-2025 season, YES, they will still be section title contenders. That’s just how they do it in Kasson-Mantorville. So get used to it if you haven’t already. Identity: SECTION TITLE CO-FAVORITE AND still a state finals contender…

  4. Kenyon-Wanamingo - This is where things get hairy. Instead of saying yes/no to the contender question, I would prefer to respond with “Don’t you put that on me, Ricky Bobby!” But alas, the question must be answered. Kenyon-Wanamingo doesn’t nearly have the resume to match Chatfield, but they would be considered a favorite in just about every other Class A section (except maybe sections 5 and 7). It’s too early to rule them out, SO LET’S RULE THEM IN. Identity: The second fiddle in Section 1A (to the likes of Charlie Daniels). They could pull off the upset in the section finals and may have an easier path to a state title than the path they went through to get the section title. 

  5. Albert Lea Area - Are they section title contenders? Well, they just beat Northfield and Faribault. Northfield has beaten Owatonna and Rochester Mayo. So let me ask you this, if Albert Lea is NOT a contender, then who is? Identity: SECTION 1AAA FAVORITE! And don’t ask me again. (Additional note - KW placed higher than Albert Lea Area at the LCWMA tournament, while KW was without two studs in their lineup. Therefore, KW gets the bump into the 4 spot. Sorry, not sorry, Kyle.)

  6. Dover-Eyota - Ah yes, the Eagles. A mighty fine program with an illustrious history. For all of the great wrestlers to roll through DE, they’ve only had one state tournament team in the past 15 years. That speaks more to their depth of quality teams in Section 1A more than anything else. They haven’t seen Chatfield yet, but KW took them out back and whooped them to the tune of 44-17 in mid-December. Therefore, it pains me to make the first great concession of the contenders versus not. Identity: Not likely to be a true title contender in 1A (but I do believe them to be a strong contender for an appearance in the 1A Finals). 

  7. Northfield - Oh boy, oh boy, another team gifting me a tough decision. Well, they’ve knocked off just about every Johnny and Jim in Section 1AAA with the exception being Albert Lea. But guess what: The match against Albert Lea came down to heavyweight, and a lot can change in just a few weeks! I did not think I would be saying this at the beginning of the season. Congrats, Raiders, for changing my mind! Rule them in. Identity: Section 1AAA dark horse. 

  8. Stewartville: The Tigers continue to roll! They have not yet stumbled and continue to steamroll inferior opponents. How much stock should I put in that? Maybe a lot, maybe a little. But the bottom line is that I simply don’t have the financial capabilities to be investing in stock right now. Identity: The best of the rest after ZM and KM, but not a true title contender (and it breaks my heart to say it, because they’ve had such a great season. But here’s the thing - they lost to ZM by 62 points. And very few teams in a section with ZM and KM could be considered contenders. You’re literally fighting giants.) 

  9. Owatonna: You’re right. They are a darn solid team. They can win 4-5 matches against just about anybody. But does 4-5 wins get you to the section finals? Well, in 1AAA it might… To be 100% transparent, when I started writing this paragraph I was ready to declare the Huskies a non-contender. But they only lost to Northfield by 5, and they don’t match up terribly with Albert Lea… I’ve officially talked myself into it. Identity: DARK HORSE #2 in Section 1AAA (how did I talk myself into this?) 

  10. Goodhue/Rochester Mayo/LARP - The last slot in my power rankings is a “choose your own adventure.” Three teams that can make a case for the finals spot, but perhaps not the most compelling case. Therefore, I will appease the masses and allow each of these three teams to be honorary members of the Section 1 top 10. If you have any complaints about these rankings, please be sure to mail them to Kyle Huneke (I heard he didn’t get any Christmas cards this year, so would definitely appreciate some mail). Identity: 3 non-contenders (but still 3 very nice teams.)


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Logan’s Post-Christmas Gift: Updated Team Power Rankings